Thursday, January 23, 2014

Google Docs and Evernote

For this week’s education technology tools, I thought I would conduct some research on two web based tools that provide added convenience, collaboration, and accessibility to students no matter where they are.

Benefits of Using Google Docs:
Google Docs allows you to store files in the “cloud” thus affording you the opportunity to create, view, edit, and share your documents from any computer with internet access.  You can delegate access to others allowing for collaboration.

Here are some examples of how Google Docs can help you and how I plan on using this tool in my professional practice. Read on…

·         Great for group assignments that required editing and collaboration
·         Team members can edit Google Docs at the same time
·         Increased organization and accessibility
·         Feedback between parents-teacher as well student-teacher
·         Global connectivity

Business Uses:
·         Work remotely – don’t go into the office unless you want to… or absolutely have to
·         Able to create spreadsheets, financial statements, surveys, and presentations
·         Collaborate with team members
·         Maintain meeting notes
·         Global connectivity

Friends and Family:
·         Maintain an online calendar to keep your loved ones informed and organized
·         View your child’s homework and provide feedback

Now that we have discussed how awesome Google Docs is, let’s explore some of the potential issues:

The downside to Google Docs is that if you do not have an internet access or Google Docs is offline, you will not be able to retrieve your records.
My recommendation is that you save a copy of important documents to a file on your computer.

Ok, so what is the likely hood of Google going out of business or going bankrupt? Perhaps not high, not anytime soon… maybe... but one never knows. I mean, no one ever thought the Roman Empire would fall… so there is a lot of risk that comes with trusting a company, one in which you have no control over, with your information. On a smaller scale, Google could decide that Docs is no longer an equitable product and decide to do away with it; much in the way that Reader was discontinued.  

There is no doubt that Google Docs can make a significant contribution to your business, education, and personal needs but in no way do I think it should in no way replace Microsoft Word.  There are some amazing creations that can take place in a standalone document such as found in programs in the Microsoft Suite. Share, edit, collaborate and take comfort in the cloud but I suggest you still take some caution when deciding how far you want to take Google Docs.

The next technology I would like to introduce is Evernote.  
Evernote is another cloud based program that allows adult learners to stay organized and take notes that they don’t have to worry about losing.
Evernotes technology enables users to:

·        Record audio notes
·        Store a single note or an entire notebook…errr make that notebooks –Plural meaning you can have a Justin Bieber notebook, a recipe notebook, a yoga/knitting notebook… ok you get the point on notebooks but the possibilities are endless!
·        Ability to sync notes across all computers and mobile devices
·        Maintain privacy as Evernote is password protected.

My view from the bottom of the pit
At first glance, Evernote seems a bit overwhelming. I set up an account in efforts to be able to provide a first person perspective and felt challenged. This could be a complete turn-off for adult learners who are still fumbling their way through blackboard. There are some tutorials offered through Evernote that I have not yet had the time to explore.  While I think this can be a great tool (according to some it is and others it isn’t) users have to dedicate some time to familiarize themselves with the tool.

Thanks for tuning in this week!
Tech Girl


Vandersteen, J (n.d.) The advantages and disadvantages of google docs. Retrieved from


  1. Veronica,

    I L-O-V-E Google Drive! Even though I still use the Microsoft Suite for the most of my documents, I always make sure I drop my files for school, work, well, just whatever I need to have access to in my Google Drive Folder. One thing that I really like is its ability to "download" Google Drive to a computer.

    This then creates a Google Drive folder that automatically uploads anything that is put into it up in the cloud! I have it installed both at my work PC and home PC for easy transferring of work and information. Finally, it plays well with other Google products (no surprise there) and being able to access it on my Android phone is a nice feature during my commute to and from work.

    Being able to control who has access to what information and editing documents is a really nice feature I used over the summer with other educator's while we kept a running "point total" for a program we were running for our 4 groups of students. Instead of meeting each day to compile, it was easy to do it in between breaks on our Google Spreadsheet.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ben,
    Thank you for sharing how you have incorporated Google Drive into your life and double thanks for introducing me to the download link.
    Since I have only just starting using Docs, I have to get into the habit of saving my documents in the cloud but it gives me more confidence to hear how others are using it.

  3. Veronica,
    I have not yet tried the cloud. How secure and safe do you think it really is? Ben ideas about downloading the info was good advice as a back up. Thank you for your blog it was very informative and helpful.

